Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chapter 17 Except Sex...

If you cannot respond to this chapter in a mature way--skip it.

In all honesty, I would say that very few of the books you will read for high school classes will contain much sex. I think there might be one scene in 1984 (but I think it's more like those scenes mentioned in the previous chapter), and it's been a couple of years since I read it, so I don't really remember!!

However, I think Foster makes some legitimate points. I would agree that the act itself in quality literature always has a deeper meaning. There is a reason beyond the physical act why the scene is included.

Have any of you read Lady Chatterley's Lover? I haven't, but I think I might now. I checked, but it's not on the AP list...(There are actually several books mentioned in this book so far that I would like to read!)

OK--so what should you write about? Well, what did you think about this chapter? Do you agree with him? Have you read any novels with sexual scenes--which have a deeper meaning?


Dianna said...

Most sex scenes in movies or books seem really pointless. Like it seems like in every scary movie that there has to be a sex scene. It has nothing to do the with plot but yet it is there.

Em[ily] said...

i would never expect books read in a high school classroom would contain a lot of sex scenes. i think sex scenes can stnad for love for people, insecurities, or faults in people. i dont think it is necessary to include sex scenes unless there is an important purpose, that goes for movies as well.

JANA2 said...

I think there is a sex scenes in almost every movie we watch these day. Like Dianna said, even if it has no relevance to the plot, its still thrown in there.

Beas-Girl said...

Most movies and books we read or watch these days really are pointless except for the purpose of entertainment, however I do think that there are some sex scenes that do have a deeper meaning that just for it to happen. In "The Notebook" The sex scene is soemwhat just for pleasure, however, I think it symbloizes the first time she does what she wants, reguardless of the mother's wishes. But as far as necessity of sex scenes, Usually they could be left out and no meaning would be taken away from the main point of the movie or story.

Ash-Daddy said...

I pretty much agree with this chapter. Very rarely in literature is sex thrown in just because. It almost always has a deeper meaning that factors into the plot and theme. Sex creates an unbreakable bond and, like the author said can symbolize many things including submission, power, rebellion, release, etc. I read Judy Blume's 'Forever' which has many sex scenes between two teenagers. I think these scenes were meant to symbolize the main character's self exploration,though looking back I kind of think Judy Blume just wanted to write about sex because she wasn't supposed to, because any meaning you could gather is still pretty surface level. In 'The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' one of the main characters, Bridget, has sex with her 20-something camp counselor after sneaking to his cabin at night and more or less seducing him. This scene is the culmination of Bridget running away from the grief of her mother's suicide. She is trying so hard to prove she's stronger than her mother and avoid thinking about the situation that she becomes, as she quotes her school psychologist, "single-minded to the point of recklessness"

Дилан said...
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Дилан said...

I agree with him. Everything that isn't sex is potentially about sex and everything that is sex is definitely not about sex. I am immediately reminded of The Matrix Reloaded, seeing as how I can't think of a solid sex scene in a novel I've recently read (except 1984, which you've mentioned already).

In The Matrix Reloaded, one of the first scenes we are greeted with is Neo having sex with Trinity (though we never see more than his butt). This scene is important, not only because they were just at a rave and sex is what most people do when leaving a rave, but also because it strengthens the bond and makes the relationship come to a point, so that you sympathise with them when Trinity dies in the next movie.

There's quite a bit of sex in Kurt Vonnegut novels, and it is usually with a character that is very naive or weak or strange. Vonnegut also describes sex in a way that an alien might describe it in a documentary. This is to show how strange our obsession with sex is and also how strangely we treat it in everyday life.

Big_daddy_alex said...

i think i answered this question on the chapter 16 one oops... o well ill answer again...

I agree with Dianna in ever movie I have seen in the past couple of years it always has sex in it no matter if it is needed or not... directors and script writers don’t seem to understand that sex is meant for two people who are in love... the whole marriage with kids thing u know? but directors always make scenes that should not be in the movie at all like going to Vegas and paying a street hand to do the job its pointless... it has nothing to do with the plot what so ever!

Rachel said...

I agree that sex scenes are pointless most times but like Aimee said in the Notebook the sex scene is like the climax of the the movie. It shows that she is a women and can make her own decisions about love.

JANA3 said...

I think that playwrites these days put in sex scenes because they will attract more viewers or attract the viewer they are targeting. There is a lot of movies and books where there is sex scenes and I think it is getting a little bit out of hand with how pointless some of the scenes have become, but i guess that is show buisness

Brooke said...

In most books and movies, like everyone else said, sex scences are pointless. They are just there for entertainment. I can't really think of a movie or book where a sex scene had a deeper meaning. I think that authors just put them in there because it is a part of life that happens, and I mean, why escape from reality?

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt think of books in high school to have sex in them. Like Emily said it points out the flaws in a person. Sex scenes arent necessary in any book or movie. They can have love scenes just without the sex...

andrea said...

I dont really look into the sex scenes. I think that they are really cheesy. Theres no point in having long drawn out sex scenes in books or in movies.

faithe said...

I agree with Dianna, sex scenes in most movies are pointless, especially ones in scary movies. I think now they are kind of added in as time fillers mostly.

Victoria said...

I don't always agree with everything he writes, but i did agree with most of this chapter. More often than not, sex or sexual scenes written about do hold a deeper meaning than just sex for the sake of sex. this reigns more true for classics and older books than the generic teen junk published today, that really is just boarderline pornographic. It is sort of like the dinner scenes described in the early chapters. A meal is a rather boring thing to describe, so if an author does, he has a purpose. i think it's the same for sex. Like he said, there are not many ways to go about writing a sex scene, and frankly, it's just akward. So, unless the author is going for a soft porn or is just a pervert, they have a purpose and greater meaning behind a sex scene if the write it.

Kenbo!!! said...

I do agree with the writer this time more often than not sex means more than just sex in a book like in the book there eye's were wacthing god th man charecter a 40 year old women insup in a relaltions ship with a younger man man an she talks about being with him was for more than the sex it made her see threw his eye's to feel young and free agin was the best feeling she ever had

b.buurman said...

I agree mostly with what he says in this cahpter. Rarely will you find a sex scene in literature if it has no deeper meaning. I can;t actually think of a book that has sex in it, besides romance novels, but those hardly ever have deeper meanings. You do see sex scenes in almost every movie now days though, and they are hardly pertinent to the story at hand. You can barely watch commercials anymore wihtout seeing one that has sex. Like axe or tag colognes.

karson said...

i actually think there is a sex scene in like every movie/book these days. but sex scenes are pretty much pointless. they just show the scene just to be showing it... uhg.