Monday, January 26, 2009

Chapter 20 ...So Does Season

Choose a sentence or two from this chapter that you agreed with/disagreed with, write the sentence and page number, and then respond to it. Why did you choose it? What do you agree/disagree with and why?


Beas-Girl said...

On page 178 the author wrote "For about as long as anyone's been writing anything, the seasons have stood for the same set of meanings". I chose this statment because i think it is very true. I think he is right in saying how spring is always the beginning of new things, and summer always makes us think about happy things. Winter makes you think of sad, darkness, adn death. The seasons always set the mood for any form of writing.

Lexi said...

On page 177 the author wrote "Nobody wants to read about geopolitical entities in conflict." I agree with this statement...People don't want to read things that deal with the effects of geography and politics, unless you use other things to relate to it, such as humans...You make up a good story that talks about what certain people are doing at the time and people will actually read it...Everyone loves a good story...

faithe said...

On page 178.. "For about as long as anyone's been writing anything, the seasons have stood for the same set of meanings." This is very true. Seasons may not stand for the same thing everything time, but they do stand for the same set of meanings, such as age and time.