Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chapter 16 It's All About Sex...

If you cannot respond to this chapter in a mature way, skip it.

OK, so I definitely did not realize how "sexual" The Rocking Horse Winner was!

I think times have changed quite a bit from the early nineteen hundreds. there are no more twin beds and no more trains and tunnels. If an author or a movie director want to create a sex scene today, they pretty much just do it.

What do you think about that? Are those kinds of scenes best left to the imagination (curtains blowing, waves crashing...) Were TV and Movies better off when the characters had twin beds? Didn't that force the viewer/reader to use his/her imagination? Didn't we have to put more thought into what we were watching/reading? Are we better off now--when there is no way you could read most novels at the breakfast table with the whole family?

What do you think?


Dianna said...

Most of the time in novels now if the parents sleep in separate beds or separate rooms it means something is most likely wrong with the relationship. Ok...i did not think about the rocking horse in that way, and I still don't. Not all novels are that descriptive that you couldn't read them just anywhere.

Ambizzle said...

I think that the interpretation that he had of the rocking horse was way off the wall. I still don't see that book in a different way. I do agree that some hidden things could be sexual because it is good to use your imagination and authors understand that and hide the sexuality. But anyways....why would you want to read around a breakfast table anyways? haha

Em[ily] said...

i agree. i didnt think of the rocking horse winner that way either. i remember one tv shows "love scenes" would always be a couple going through the swan ride at carnivals or driving up on a peak to "overlook the city". yes lame. but back then that was a really conservative way to show sex scenes. i think today literature is better off including sex scenes, for significance of course, as opposed to older works or movies and literature.

Torian said...

Yeah, i definitely didn't catch that about the Rocking Horse Winner. But now that I think about it, a lot of things can be taken in a sexual manner by some people. I think that most people today watch movies and read certain books just for the love scenes.

Дилан said...

I think that the "Twin beds" in which the man and wife don't actually sleep together ignores the basic instinct of all humans which is to have sex. I think that not including sex or talking about sex where it is necessary is condescending to the reader because it implies that they are too immature to see it in context.

Current novels are more "offensive" because they are more true to life. People do have sex. They have a biological urge to have sex. Suggesting otherwise is stupid.

Sex can be read into almost all novels, especially when there isn't any sex in the novel. One of the people who was peer reviewing my short story once asked if there was supposed to be homosexual tension between the two characters. I hadn't intended there to be, but now that I've read over it, I can see where he was coming from.

Brooke said...

I definitely didn't catch the Rocking Horse Winner as being sexual.. until now. Times have definitely changed since those times, and I honestly think that if they wouldn't have, people would've lost interest in those types of stories, years ago. Movies and tv may have been better off, but that is so cliche. I mean, that's now how it happens in real life, so why make a movie about the total opposite of the real life.

walker said...

What, Rocking House Def didnt think about putting two and two together. Now I think that sex in general is a lot more accepted in todays society. I happens everyone knows it does. So...i suppose movies and novels are just more open about it these days.

christina :) said...

Yeah def didn't think that there was anything sexual in the Rocking Horse Winner. That would be the last thing I would think of. I think that in movies and books that you don't have to go as drastic as having twin beds. But i do enjoy without the sex scene but a lot of flirting and hinting. Just because that makes you want to know whats going to happen at the end of the book/movie. I do believe that in movies now days there is way too much sex. Im ok with the sex scene in movies as long as they don't show it. Like you know that it happened, but they don't show anything.

b.buurman said...

Yeah I didn't realize that The Rocking Horse Winner had a sexual interpretation. I do think though that by not showing sex all the time it did leave something to the imagination. Now it's always just out there and there's nothing left to be interpreted or imagined. I wouldn't want it to go back to like the parents sleeping in seperate beds though because that was just ridiculous. Nobody actually does that so it wouldn't be very realistic. Making it harder to get into and believe what actually is going on.

JANA2 said...

I had no idea that the rocking horse winner was about mating. I guess they were just tryin to be pretty discrete about the sexual references, these days its alot more blatant. Like track 09 on the Nickelback cd "The Dark Horse" is called "S.E.X.".

Beas-Girl said...
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Beas-Girl said...

I think there is an appropriate time and place for these scenes. I don't think that we should act as though people don't sleep in teh same bed. It is accepted that it happens, so there is no need to pretend it doesn't. However, I think that some things should just be left to the individual to interpret because not everyone will get the same thing out of a scene. Allowing the individual to interpret a scene in their own way would allow children to be in trh same room as adults and not catch the "sexual" meaning that is often associated with...well...pretty much everything.

Anonymous said...

So yea, i would have never even thought anything about the rocking horse winter having sex in it. Now days sex is pretty much accepted. I dont think that its appropriate to show it all the time in movies, but you dont have to P.G it up to twin beds. Todays society is more open about relationships than they were in the past, making it more acceptable to have the so called "sex scene".

andrea said...

Those movies back then were very cheezy. Yes most directors for movies put to much details into the scenes.

Victoria said...

Like everyone else, i didn't see "The Rocking Hourse Winner" as sexual at all. I do agree with him that some things were intentionally meant to signify sex, (like the keys, waves, tunnels, etc.) but i dion't think everything he mentioned was intentionally representing a saexual act. I'm not really sure we're any better or worse off now, because either way "sex" is present, but i do think that the lack of sesorship for the "crude" sexual things now of days can be more inappropriate for family viewing.

Ash-Daddy said...

I'm still not totally sold on the idea of The Rocking Horse Winner being sexual. I see where he's coming from, but I think it's a stretch. That's one problem I have with Freudian ideas. People take them as gospel, when in fact they are just theories. Personally, I think sex has been completely cheapened by the media today. It is glamorized and presented as casual when it is acutally a very permanent, meaningful act. I agree that sometimes it is necessary to introduce sex into a plotline to further our understanding of a character (ex. why they are so attached to a certain person) but when it is thrown in uselessly, that is just idiotic.

Big_daddy_alex said...

When we read that I did not pick up on anything sexual at all. I guess writers back then spent more time trying to hide the fact that sex is a real thing and that its natural. In modern times if they make a movie it has to have a very visual and blunt scene of intimate relations.

Rachel said...

I was surprised and kinda confused just like everyone else about the Rocking Horse Winner... I guess that shows that even back in those days sex was used in books and entertainment sometimes, but now a days its not only used in books and entertainment sometimes its used all the time, and sometimes I dont even think twice about it.

JANA3 said...

In the society we live in today I'm sure there are many things that refer to sex that people don't pick up on there are a lot of perverted people in the world today who look at everything sexual. Such as the "that's what she said saying everybody has heard it and knows it is refering to something sexually when whatever was said might not be sexual at all.

karson said...

okay yeah, so i didnt think of the rocking horse winner being sexual. but people don't sleep in twin beds anymore, if they are together, then they let it be known.

faithe said...

wow.. i definitely did not know the rocking horse winner was sexual. I guess if i really thought about it, i could make it be sexual. But really what can you not make sexual anymore, there are so many play on words and things that can be taken as sexual without even meaning to do that. Honestly though, I think sex is more of an open topic now. People aren't so afraid to be open about things including their own sex lives. I think if there was a movie that had the characters in twin beds i would think that something was going on.

Kenbo!!! said...

I think we are better off today back then I know every male had those thoughts and they were just caged in like an animal even thou allowing our culture to be exposed to this sexuality and it had lead to lots of problems I bealive now pepole dont halfto hide anymore the can be more who they are this life is short and i would rather live it free inthoughts than caged in my mind

Lexi said...

I think that people were better off with the curtains blowing and waves crashing instead of what we can read today...I mean, the way they used to have it you knew they were doing stuff, you just didn't have to see it, you just used your own imagination...I don't think that the twin beds is right though, cus that would make it where people think that the married couple has a lot of problems with their relationship...