Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chapter 15 Flights of Fancy

OK, so why are we humans so fascinated with flight? Have you ever wished you could fly? Why? What would it mean if we could?

Can you name any books/stories you've read where a character flies? (Literally or figuratively?) I've read a couple of novels by James Patterson in which a doctor has figured out how to create children who will be born part-human and part-bird. While the children love the ability to fly, their situation is much like the one mentioned in the book--the ability to fly is what traps them. The whole world wants to study them, see them, put them on display. The ability prevents their freedom instead of giving it to them.


Ambizzle said...

I bet you that everybody has wished that they could fly in one way or the other. Flying is something that doesn't get done by many people so being able to do it would be cool. flying would show some sign of power and total control. Take Superman for instance, at first people thought he was a freak, but then everybody in town started to appreciate him because he has the power to fly and save the world (or atleast Smallville).

Dianna said...

Many people wish to fly to just get away from certain things at times. It would be really awesome if we could just take off into the sky within a moments notice. If we could be like Harry Potter for instance and just grab a broomstick many people would love that.

Beas-Girl said...

I think, as humans, we are fascinated with flying because it is just something unusual. All things that are out of the ordinary fascinate us. Flying is almost a symbol of power. It is like the news; we watch it becuase it informs us about things that are wierd that go on. I wish I could fly all of the time!! I think it would be amazing to be able to see everything like you can from a plane! I think it would give you a free feeling. If we could fly, it would mean a lot of things. It would mean less pollution for one, as well as everyone feeling mroe powerful and free.
Superman is one story I can think of where he flies. I think one reason I think that flying is associated with power is because most superheroes we commonly think of can fly. Since superheroes are positive role models who save people and cities, we think flying could allow us to do the same thing.

JANA3 said...

I would love to fly, just for the fact that i hate planes and would never have to get into another one if i could fly. Just think all you would have to do is take off and go wherever you wanted. If you could fly it would make life so much better, you could fly alone or with a friend, you could get away from problems or just fly down to Flordia for a weekend, and it wouldm't cost anything for airfare and there wouldn't be any hidden fees for luggage.

walker said...

Flying! Oh, I totally wish I could fly. How fun it would be. Anytime you wanted to be able to go somewhere you could just click your heels and leave the ground. One movie that I could think of that deals with flight is Peter Pan. The children and Pan must fly to Never-Ever Land with the help of pixi dust and faith.

Brooke said...

I have definitely wished on probably more than one occasion that I could fly. Everyone, at some point in their life has wished they could fly. If you could fly people would look at you differently, and you would definitely get treated different. Think about all the superheroes that can fly, people (most people) treat them with respect and almost as if they are a higher authority because of the fact that they can fly, and do supernatural things, like save the world in a day! It would be awesome if these wishes really came true.

christina :) said...

I believe many humans want to fly. Not for sure why, but i know i do! Maybe its the height that gets the adrenline rush going or maybe its just the relaxing feel. But many humans don't get to fly. Its not rational. But why not? I'm sure that maybe one of these days someone will invent something that will make you able to fly. In the movie Peter Pan for example, he gets to fly, and fufills the childrens dream by helping them fly.

b.buurman said...

I think we are interested in flying becasue it's so different. If we actually could fly it wouldn't be as amazing becasue everyone could do it. All things foreign to us are extremely interesting. Once we actually have them and can experience it for ourselves we lose interest. I also read the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson. They make flying sound so freeing and amazing. I wouldn't want wings though, it would pretty much freak me out.

Torian said...

Of course I would love to have the ability to fly. Mainly because I love to travel and being able to fly would allow me to go anywhere at any time. But besides the fact that flying would just be plain cool, I think it's the wanting what you can't have that causes people to wish they could fly. The only movie I can think of right now where a character flies is Peter Pan..

Zach T. said...

i like this chapter alot because i would love to fly as well. i think it interest me and pretty much everyone else that has written before me because it is something that humans havent been able to do or create a way for it to be possible. i would love to fly away sometimes when times get hard but that would also be a negative thing because through all of the low times we become stronger and to be able to just run away from your problems to me, wouldnt be a good ability to have.

JANA2 said...

"I believe i can fly. I believe i can touch the sky. I think about it every night and day, spread my wings and fly away. I believe i can soar, see me runnin through that open doooooooor." Great song because its talking about flying. Who wouldn't want to? If you say you dont, your lying.

Дилан said...

Flying is usually a symbol for freedom. It is the ultimate way to escape being "tied down" into a situation. Flying is also something that is far out of our range of abilities, so there is also the aspect of being superhuman.

I am immediately reminded of "The Very Old Man With Enormous Wings," a short story by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. In the story, a man and wife come across a very old man with enormous wings. He doesn't speak an indentifiable language and can barely move, but they take him into their home, etc. Eventually he just flies away. He plays against the stereotype of supermen and angels, he is far too rugged and human. Marquez plays the symbol against itself to make a contrasting image.

Ash-Daddy said...

We as humans are so fascinated with flying because, like Zach said, it is something we can't do. We have been given many abilities that no other creatures have, such as the ability to reason, but one thing we will never be able to do is fly, and everyone is fascinated by an unattainable goal. Flying connotates freedom, power, and almost a superiority. I have definitely wished I could fly, just to know what it would be like. In "A Wrinkle in Time," Meg, Calvin and Charles fly on the back of a winged centaur to get to the planet where their father is trapped. The flying represents people having abilities you might not think they have, because the centaur was originally their neighbor, Ms. Whatsit.

Victoria said...

It is human nature to want to achieve the impossible or strive to do what hasn't been done just for the adventure, experience, and excitement. I think that is why humans are so facinated with flight. We can't do it. If we could, we wouldn't want to as bad, because it wouldn't be such a novelty anymore. An example of this want/action of flying is in the classic Peter Pan. In that story it isn't just about the magical fairy dust, but about escaping the responsibility that accompanies growing up, and having the freedom to just act like a kid.

Anonymous said...

There have been many times I've wished i could fly. I think the reason for this is because it would make things so much simpler. Plus i have no patentice what-so-ever so having to wait in traffic would no longer be a problem. The only story i can think of with a character flying is Peter Pan. I love that story. Peter helps the children fly to never land. He uses pixi dust and faith to get them there.

Austin said...

Charlie Bone (a series of books i read WAAAY back in middle school) has a character named Emma Tolly. And she can become any bird she chooses and fly away. This helps her get away from the terribly school she lives at, and the terrible people who live and work there.

andrea said...

Peter Pan can fly.

Big_daddy_alex said...

i know i have wished to fly to exscape from all the negative things around me. Not every one gets to expereance the joy of flying but if we could i bet it would be amazing! Almost all superheros can fly... i bet people at first thought it was weired but then people began to appreciate it.

Jana7 said...

i would love to fly. it would be cheaper and easier to get to places. i think at first scientist would study fliers but once they understood the concept it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Jessi said...

I still wish I could fly, haha. But i think that people sometime wish they could use flying as an escape. tHey want to avoid some problem they are facing and don't know how to cope with.
Everything would be so much more convenient if you could fly, and you wouldn't have to worry aoubt insignificant things like gas prices.

Roy Earl McClane said...

i have dreams all the time about flying. But most people enjoy flying because of the quick travel and if we could fly our schedules wouldn't be as hectic because we'd have more spare time i know i would. plus like jessi said when my truck gets 10 mpg i could use some extra money to spend other than on gas.

karson said...

i can't think of any book have a read where someone flies. the only thing i can think of where someone flies is superman. which who doesnt think of superman?? i agree with amber because who doesnt wish they couldnt fly sometime in their life? i know i have before.

Weasel09 said...

Flying would be bad. No more traffic jams, no more terrible drivers. Just me and the air and the clouds and all that cool stuff.. Oh yea.. NO GAS!!! I know of a man named Clark Kent that goes into a phone booth when trouble is afoot and comes out as Superman.. he flies.. alot.

Lexi said...

Humans are so fascinated with flight because it is something that is hard to be able to do and humans are interested in doing the things they can't...Yes, I have wished I could fly because I thought it would be really interested to see the world from up high instead of down low...If people could fly, then I think that we would try to be able to do something else just as outrageous...